Monday, November 21, 2011

My opinion on : New Media and Implications for Learning and Teaching

Today in my Technology Course, we had to look at a video about the incorporation of technologies and open source media in Learning and Teaching. It broadly explains what are the issues that communities are dealing with are, when it is time to use technologies in a learning environment. The main point of this video is the fact that nowadays, technologies are used in so many ways that we forget that we should integrate it in teaching contexts. It often happens that teachers are afraid of using technologies as they are not skilled in this domain and so that he might loses the control of his group. Mr. Jenkins also addresses many reasons why we are actually in this situation and how we can change it. This is on what I am going to reflect in this post.

The first thing is the fact that schools are limiting access to digital tools. They are doing so by having a research tool that limits the results with security settings when looking for authors name or movies that contains the word ''Dick'' for example. I understand the reasons why they set it like that but in another way, it seems like they just don't think of what they are doing, of the consequences. Schools and communities are also limiting access to technologies by the way that it discriminates rich kids from poor kids when looking at the possibilities of using technologies. If you are poor or living in a poor community, you will simply have less access to these Medias and I find it deplorable.

Henry Jenkings, interviewed in this video, also brings to the table ways to create shared learning opportunities across generations that will appeal to exchange knowledge within members of a group. By having the opportunity to share passions in a proper environment, we create a space when we can learn from generations. Moreover, ensuring and verifying the information you share with others in the learning community give rise to a self-corrective environment when everybody interacts with each other.

Finally, I agree with Mr. Jenkins when he says that schools are maybe not totally ready to move into a new era. What is important is to let people know what you are doing and open your mind on the many ways you can access and work with technologies. If have to stop being scared of it and use technologies to our advantage. You have to work with it not FOR it. Creating a parallel shift within the school society, asking experts, creating new projects for your students are numerous possibilities that will expand the knowledge of the community of learning.

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